Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are weekly, group study meetings that provide students in select challenging courses with an opportunity to learn and explore course content in an interactive, small-group setting.

A typical PASS session is a 50 minute-long meeting in a classroom on campus or Zoom meeting during which a PASS leader guides the group in studying course material together. A session might include reviewing lecture notes and slides, completing worksheets, going over practice problems, group discussion of key concepts, preparing for an upcoming quiz or exam, and other collaborative activities. The goal of PASS sessions is for the leader and students to work together to study for class - the PASS leader will not re-teach or lecture on course material.

The PASS session leaders are undergraduate students who have previously succeeded in the course, and who have received training in lesson planning and facilitation methods. PASS leaders attend all lectures during the semester.


If you'd like to attend a PASS session, all you have to do is show up! You do not need to sign up to attend a session in advance. You can view the times and locations of PASS sessions via our online schedule


Fall 2024 PASS Sessions:

We will offer one or more PASS sessions per week for each of the following courses:

  • BIOL 1111: Intro to Organismal Biology
  • CHEM 1031: General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 1032: General Chemistry II
  • CIS 1166: Mathematical Concepts in Computing
  • KINS 1223: Anatomy and Phys I
  • KINS 1224: Anatomy and Phys II
  • MATH 0702: Intermediate Algebra
  • MATH 1021: College Algebra
  • MATH 1022: Precalculus
  • MATH 1041: Calculus I
  • PHYS 1021: Intro to General Physics I
  • PHYS 1022: Intro to General Physics II
  • PHYS 1061: Elementary Classical Phys I
  • PHYS 1062: Elementary Classical Phys II

Complete schedule, including days, times and locations of the PASS sessions.

Students enrolled in course sections that have a PASS leader will be automatically added to a PASS Canvas site at the beginning of the semester. You can submit a Canvas interest form, if you would like to be added to or removed from the Canvas site.

Questions? Contact James Otwell.