The STEM tutoring service provides support for students enrolled in Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Engineering, Kinesiology, Computer Science, Psychology, Economics, Neuroscience and Statistics-based courses at Temple.

Tutors meet one-on-one with students in these courses to help them understand scientific and mathematical concepts, practice solving problems, and review course content. Tutors also work with students to help them develop effective habits for studying and reviewing for major exams.

Note: STEM Tutoring is available for both in-person and Zoom appointments.


  • Log-in to our appointment system.
  • Use the filter feature to show when appointments are available for your course. Then, select an available time.
  • Sessions are either 25 or 50 minutes long
  • Appointments can be made up to 8 days in advance.
  • For a 25 minute or 50 minute session, log in to our appointment system at least 60 minutes in advance. Follow the above steps to reserve your time.
  • Use the waiting list feature in our online schedule to get notified when we have an opening for either a 25 minute or 50 minute session.
  • Log in to our appointment system on the same day as the appointment you are trying to schedule and check for more openings. Each morning, some slots will open up specifically for students seeking same-day sessions.

Questions? Contact James Otwell.

Course Offerings

Below is a list of courses that we offer tutoring in. This list may not be complete as we adjust our offerings regularly. Our most up-to-date list can be found in our appointment system. Courses that are offered during all hours that the center is open are listed in bold. Courses not listed in bold are offered on a somewhat more limited basis. To find out when appointments are available for these courses, log in to our appointment system, and use the "filter" feature to search by course.

ACCT 2101: Financial Accounting
ACCT 2102: Managerial Accounting

BIOL 1011: General Biology I
BIOL 1012: General Biology II
BIOL 1111: Introduction to Biology I
BIOL 1112: Introduction to Biomolecules, Cells and Genomes
BIOL 2112: Introduction to Biology II
BIOL 2212: Basic Core Introduction to Biology for Pre-Medical Post-Baccalaureates I

BIOL 2296: Genetics
BIOL 3096: Cell Structure and Function

CHEM 1021: Introduction to Chemistry I
CHEM 1022: Introduction to Chemistry II
CHEM 1027: Applications of Chemistry
CHEM 1031/1951: General Chemistry I
CHEM 1032/1952: General Chemistry II
CHEM 1035: Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM 2021/2921: Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2022/2922: Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2251: Basic Core Organic Chemistry for Pre-Medical Post-Baccalaureates

CIS 1051: Intro to Python
CIS 1057: Computer Programming in C
CIS 1068: Program Design and Abstraction
CIS 1166: Math Concepts in Computing I
CIS 2107: Computer Systems and Low Level Programming
CIS 2166: Math Concepts in Computing II
CIS 2168: Data Structures

CJ 2602: Criminal Justice Statistics

ECE 2112: Electrical Devices and Systems I
ECE 2332: Principles of Electric Circuits

ECON 0858: The American Economy
ECON 1101/1901: Macroeconomic Principles
ECON 1102/1902: Microeconomic Principles
ECON 3501: Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
ECON 3502: Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON 3547: Economics of Growth and Development

EDUC 1016: Math for Educators

ENGR 1102: Intro to Engineering Problem Solving
ENGR 2011: Engineering Analysis
ENGR 2331: Engineering Statics
ENGR 2332: Dynamics
ENGR 2333: Mechanics of Solids
ENGR 3571: Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics

EPBI 2219: Biostatistics and Public Health

FIN 0822: Investing for the Future

GUS 3161: Spatial Statistics

KINS 1221: Intro to Anatomy and Physiology I
KINS 1222: Intro to Anatomy and Physiology II
KINS 1223: Anatomy and Physiology I
KINS 1224: Anatomy and Physiology II

MATH 0701: Elementary Algebra
MATH 0702: Intermediate Algebra
MATH 0824: Mathematical Patterns
MATH 1013: Elements of Statistics
MATH 1015: Intro to Numbers & Figures
MATH 1021: College Algebra
MATH 1022: Precalculus
MATH 1031: Differential & Integral Calculus
MATH 1041/1941: Calculus I
MATH 1042/1942: Calculus II
MATH 2043/2943: Calculus III

MATH 2045: Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
MATH 2101: Linear Algebra
MATH 2111: Basic Concepts of Math
MATH 3031: Probability Theory

MEE 3011: Analysis of Linear Systems

NSCI 1051: Fundamentals of Neuroscience
NSCI 2001: Functional Neuroanatomy
NSCI 2122: Cellular Neuroscience

PHYS 1021: Introduction to General Physics I
PHYS 1022: Introduction to General Physics II
PHYS 1061/1961: Elementary Classical Physics I
PHYS 1062/1962: Elementary Classical Physics II
PHYS 2021/2921: General Physics I
PHYS 2022/2922: General Physics II

PSY 1003: Statistics for Psychology
PSY 2501: Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 2502: Cognitive Neuroscience

SCTC 1013: Elements of Data Science for Physical and Life Sciences
SCTC 1501: STEM Challenge- The World Around Us
SCTC 1502: STEM Challenge- The World Within

STAT 1001: Quantitative Methods for Business I
STAT 1002: Quantitative Methods for Business II
STAT 2103/2903: Statistical Business Analysis
STAT 2521: Data Analysis and Statistical Computing
STAT 5001: Quantitative Methods for Business

If you require assistance for a course that is not listed on our appointment system, please email James Otwell to inquire.